Sunday, November 17, 2013

QCCC at The Loo…

…as in Waterloo! This past weekend, QCCC made a trip to Waterloo for the annual JUCCC Local Visit. From four quarrelling families to priests preaching at bus stops, it was an incredible day to say the least! Students and alumni from McMaster, University of Toronto, Waterloo, Western, and Queen’s came together to share their faith through activities, talks, music, and friendship. We started the day off with some fun icebreakers presented to us by UTCCC. Then it was off to touring the Waterloo campus and their uncreatively named buildings, where everything is just named after the subject department (where’s the fun in that?) Despite this, everyone had a lot of fun seeing the campus main attractions, which included their geese. These geese could really give our Kingston squirrels a run for their money. 

 After lunch, QCCC hosted a new and improved version of family feud. Family Won, Family 2-2, Family Lumber Tree, and Family Ching-Chong pitted their wits against one another to solve answers to questions like the most common names in the Bible and things men talk about that women pretend to be interested in. Father O’Mahony gave an inspiring talk about Pope Francis and we all learned that there was a chance the Pope could be calling any of us up just to say hi. MCCC led the Bible sharing portion of the day, giving us a chance to reflect on the things that we had learned throughout the day, and what we could bring with us to our CCCs back home. LCCC ended the day with singspiration, where everyone joined in song and music to praise and thank God for bringing us together for the day. 

Thank you to Waterloo for hosting Local Visit this year and all the CCCs for their effort in making this possible. If you missed this year’s Local Visit, don’t sweat it because our JU Retreat is coming up in February next year! Make sure you don’t miss out on this chance to meet some truly amazing people!