The Eastern Canadian Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC), often known as Ga Tung (GT, 加東) is the the main annual highlight of young Chinese Catholics living in Ontario and Montreal. This year, QCCC had a great turnout at the camp, and we had our own Oil Thigh photo to prove it.
The theme of this year's GT is "藉他的愛Set the World on Fire". Through talks given by our awesome speaker, Brother Edmund Lo, and various reflections and activities, we discovered how to listen and discern God's voice through the Examen prayer and Ignatian Contemplation, make sound decisions and actions, and live a healthy Catholic lifestyle as witness of our Faith.
Our own chaplain, Father Raymond, even made a guest appearance during one of the mornings. He had much praise to express in his latest article in the Catholic Register which you can read here .
We hope everyone had a great time at GT and had a great summer. We hope to see all of you back at Newman House starting this upcoming Friday! Three cheers to curry fishballs!