QCCC is but one member of two greater communities, the Joint University Chinese Catholic Community, and the Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp community.

Joint University Chinese Catholic Community (JUCCC)

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JUCCC is made up of CCC communities of a number of Ontario universities. We come together every year for key annual events:

1. Local Visit
     In the fall, each university takes turn every year to host a Saturday day-long event full of activities, campus tour, sharing, music and Mass. It's a great opportunity to visit other campuses!

2. JUCCC Retreat
     This 3 day retreat usually occurs during reading week in February at a retreat centre or camp site. The goal of this retreat is to explore and deepen understanding of our faith and encounter God. Events often include a guest speaker, Mass, Taize prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship, activities and games, sharing and discussion, outdoor fun, and of course... spending an incredible 3 days with friends.

Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC)

The Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (the “ECCCLC”) is an annual joint-parish retreat held during the Labour Day long weekend for Chinese youths aged 17-35 across Eastern Canada. Every year since 1977, this special annual retreat has provided a unique opportunity for young people to come together to share their spirituality and to learn more about the Catholic faith.

Youth are inspired to apply the strength and knowledge that they have gained from the retreat into their daily lives and back to their parishes.  Many campers are active members in their parishes and faith community while others will hopefully feel encouraged to seek greater involvement.  All the campers are called to be holy, to love each other, and to evangelize God’s message. 

In recent years, we have had more than 150 campers annually come together for the three-day spiritually invigorating youth living camp.  Participants come from Chinese Catholic communities at various universities and from the six Chinese parishes of Eastern Canada (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church, Saint Agnes Kouying Tsao Catholic Church, Saviour of the World Chinese Catholic Church, Sheng Shen Catholic Church and Montreal Chinese Catholic Mission).