In an effort to chill and relax for the upcoming examinations, QCCC decided to host a movie night, featuring the movie The Way, thanks to the brilliant suggestion of Terence, one of our beloved alumni. The Way is a movie that talks about a father who receives the bad news that his son has died on the Way of St. James pilgrimage in Spain. On seeing his son's belongings and collecting his remains at the morgue, he decides to set off to complete the journey which his son never got to finish. On the way, he meets a group of eccentric pilgrims, including an aspiring Irish author suffering from writer's block, a Canadian who wants to stop smoking and get over her abortion and a Dutch man who wants to lose weight. They all share the joys and pains of this long journey, culminating in the celebration of a mass at the renowned Camino de Santiago cathedral. As enjoyable as it was, it was also a great reminder to us Catholics that life is a long journey; we should set our personal goals to get the most out of it, and that God has paved the road for us. It is up to us to follow this road.
For this week's Saintspiration, one of our members shared about his views on St. Albert Magnus, and we played a game of Taboo using words related to the life of this saint. He is the patron saint of students, natural scientists, medical technicians and philosophers and is one of the only 35 Doctors of the Church. Since next week's cell is Christmas-themed, it should be pretty obvious which saint will be featured next week. No prizes for guessing!
With that, we're left with one more cell, the oh-so-exciting Christmas Cell, where we get to meet alumni and indulge in a potluck and take part in the annual tradition of Secret Santa! Check your emails because we've change the location! We hope to see you there this Friday!