Saturday, April 8, 2017

QCCC's Final Cell ♡

Last night, we had our Final Cell. As per tradition, we hosted our end-of-the-year potluck at Newman House. Our alumni travelled from Montreal and Toronto to join us, and for those who were unable to make it in person, they skyped in (from Orillia and New Zealand!) or watched Alvin’s Facebook Live stream (Thanks Alvin!!). You may be able to access the Facebook stream here:

Throughout the night, we connected our alumni with our new members, we caught up with each other and our graduates gave their touching parting speeches. Overall, it was a heartwarming night, full of food, friends and love. Time flew by, and we ended up hanging around Newman till 12am! Just as the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. 😉 

Towards the end, we shared a slideshow to commemorate our QCCC family. The slideshow was produced from photos that were available from the “era before our signature jackets”, to present day. If anyone has any photos they’d like for us to include, please send us a message! We’d love to update the video to include as many of our members as possible.

As exec, we would like to thank everyone for their support and love. It has been a true honour to be a part of a family that has grown so much over the years. QCCC will forever be in our hearts.

Sending love to all of you ♡

God bless! 🙏

Bye for now....

P.S. If you made it this far, please post “#QCCC4LYFE” in the Facebook comments 😂

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Year, New.... DOVE?

Happy New Year everyone! We had our first cell of 2017 last Friday, and we did something in honour of the new year. It may sound cliche, but we came up with our new year's FAITH resolutions!

Keeping up with new year's resolutions are not easy, and starting small is a good first step to reaching your goal. Having a physical item be within sight is always a good reminder, and that's why we decided to fold origami doves as our keepsake, to write our new year's FAITH resolutions on! 

Doves represent a lot in our religion, and one of the meanings include: divine guidance. The dove will be guiding you throughout the year to remind you of your promise to yourself, and hopefully it'll serve as a good way to help improve your faith.

It took us a while to get it down (there were over 30 steps...), but we folded our doves and shared our respective resolutions. Presenting... our family of "resolution doves"! 

So, start with a small resolution today, and conquer bigger things tomorrow. What are your New Year's FAITH resolutions? Let us know! :)